Address And Directions

Bury BL8 1SW
business hours
Partners is easy to reach either by car or public transport.
Public Transport:
From Manchester, take the Metrolink to Bury interchange (approx 20 mins)
From Bury Interchange, take the No. 469 bus to Tottington, at Stewart Street (approx 10 mins), then a 2-minute walk to Whitelegge Street.
Alternatively, a 1.5-mile taxi journey to Whitelegge Street costs approximately £4 – £5.
Our building is located exactly 100 yards down Whitelegge Street with our entrance discretely located just off Whitelegge Street with signs on the walls of the entrance.
Hotels and Guest Houses
Here is a list of some local accommodations with Tel Numbers.
The Bolholt Country Park Hotel. Walshaw Road, Bury. BL8 1PU. Tel: 0161 762 2400
Premier Inn. Town Centre, Bury. Tel: 0871 527 9294.
The Village Hotel. Rochdale Road, Bury. BL9 7DB. Tel: 0161 764 4444.
The Old Mill. Springwood. Ramsbottom. Bury. BL0 9DS. Tel: 0170682 2991.